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Brocade Fabric交换机端口无法登陆的处理办法
来源: | 作者:advertising-100 | 发布时间: 2021-06-25 | 735 次浏览 | 分享到:



1. 使用串口线登录SAN交换机检查IP地址设置



       Bits per second      9600

       Databits             8

       Parity                      None

       Stop bits            1

       Flow control         None

用户名admin,默认密码为 password






Type the new Ethernet IP address:

    Ethernet   IP Address []

Type   the new Ethernet subnet mask:

    Ethernet   Subnetmask []

Type   the new Fibre Channel IP address if desired:

    Fibre   Channel IP Address []

Type   the new Fibre Channel subnet mask if desired:

    Fibre   Channel Subnetmask []

Type   the new gateway address:

    Gateway   Address []

Type   y to set the IP address now:

    Set   IP address now? [y = set now, n = next reboot]


2. 尝试连接第一步中记录的IP地址。


3. 如果TCP/IP通信仍然失败,使用admin用户输入命令 haReboot

IBM_2498_B24_242:admin> haReboot

HA Rebooting ...




注: Brocade Fabric OS命令手册中找不到关于haReboot命令的任何信息,该命令是不对用户公开的内部命令,因此我们无法保证运行haReboot命令不会影响交换机的正常运行。强烈建议在IO负载压力较小时运行haReboot命令,避免对客户应用造成严重影响。


PMH 00721,124,848

-GOERLACH,   MICHAEL PEMZ-D/T2005B5K--L810/EBESAN-P2S2-09/04/16-07:47-SCR

I see   no risk to do this command on a switch, because we use it often

in   customer environments without any problems| The command reboots the

partitions   in the CP, this means the CP is still working while one of

the 2   partitions is rebooted.


-PETZNICK,   JOERG SAN-D/T2005B5K--L810/-------P3S2-09/05/11-03:16--AT

Hello   Roger,

here   the answers from Brocade:

AAA:   Why did the hareboot not work correctly?

Unknown.   If the switch is going through a state change during the reboot

a   cold recovery is required as the state of the connected devices cannot

be   guaranteed. If the switch cannot propagate the proper state to

switches   during the hareboot, a cold recovery will be required.

BBB:   Is there anything to do for preventing this issue?

No.   Avoiding periods of high traffic and, of course fabric instability

lessen   the chances of failure.

CCC:   Is the hareboot command supported?

It is   available, but not customer facing and not documented in our

manuals. It   is a part of the firmwaredownload routine and there are

times   that we specify its use to a customer. Does this mean that we

guarantee   that it will work 100% of the time, in every situation? The

answer   is no. There are occasions under which the hareboot command

cannot   execute (see AAA )above and a cold reboot is required.

Rgds   Joerg